Dr. Nurul I. Sarkar

Nurul I. Sarkar holds a PhD from the University of Auckland and is currently associate professor and leader of the Network and Security Research Group at the Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. He has published over 125 articles in refereed international journal and conference proceedings, including IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Education, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Int. Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks, Int. Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications, Measurement Science & Technology, Int. Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, and SIGCSE Bulletin.

¡°Improving the Performance of Wireless LANs: A Practical Guide¡± (Taylor & Francis, 2014) is his second book. His first book ¡°Tools for Teaching Computer Networking and Hardware Concepts" was published by IGI Global in 2006. Dr Sarkar had several externally funded research grants, including a TEC collaborative research grant of nearly $650K, TechNZ (FRST) grant, BuildIT grant, and University of Auckland grant.

Dr Sarkar¡¯s research interests are in multi-disciplinary areas, including wireless network architecture, wireless MAC and routing protocols, cross-layer design optimization, multiple QoS supporting emergency traffic in WLANs and WiMAX, VoIP and video over WLANs, TCP over WLANs, Internet technologies, wireless mesh networks, cognitive radio networks, performance evaluation, radio propagation measurements, network security, and tools to enhance methods for teaching and learning computer networking and hardware concepts.

Dr Sarkar is a regularly invited keynote speaker, chair, and committee member for various national and international fora. He is a member of many professional organizations and societies, including IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) and Australasian Association for Engineering Education. He served as chairman of the IEEE joint New Zealand North and South ComSoc Chapter, which won the ¡°Best Chapter Achievement Award¡± in 2012. He served as TPC co-chair for IEEE ICC 2014, APCC 2012, and IEEE TENCON 2010. He is a senior member of IEEE.