Andrzej Tarlecki

Andrzej Tarlecki received his PhD in 1982 and DSc (habilitation) in 1987 from the Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and the scientific title of Professor of mathematical sciences from the President of Poland in 1998. Since 1992 his main affiliation is with the University of Warsaw; since 2000 as Professor ordinarius, Director of the Institute of Informatics in 1996-2005, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics since 2012.

His research addresses various aspects of the theory of software specification, verification and development, and related topics in logic, universal algebra and category theory. This includes generalisation, clarification and further elaboration of some fundamental ideas of algebraic specification and program development, design of high-level specification languages Extended ML and CASL, and work on the theory of institutions and its applications. He has published over 80 papers in journals and refereed proceedings of international conferences, with many of the ideas and results presented in the recent monograph "Foundations of Algebraic Specification and Formal Software Development" (Springer-Verlag, 2012, with Don Sannella).

He has been a member of programme committees of over 50 international symposia (chairing or co-chairing e.g. MFCS'91, CSL'04, FMTA'95, FM'05, ICALP'07 Track B, CALCO'09), gave over 60 seminars at various computer science centers, a similar number of presentations at international conferences and workshops, including a number of invited plenary talks, and a few invited series of lectures at summer schools. Much of his research has been carried out in close collaboration with leading international groups and academic centres abroad, and has been supported by a series of research grants at both national and international level.

He is a member of Academia Europea and, inter alia, of IFIP TC 1 "Foundations of Computer Science", WG 2.2 "Formal Description of Programming Concepts" (scientific secretary in 1995-2002) and WG 1.3 "Foundations of System Specification" (founding member), of EATCS (Council member 2003-2011) and EASST, of the editorial boards of Information Processing Letters (managing editor), Fundamenta Informaticae, Logical Methods in Computer Science, Electronic Communications of the EASST, and Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications, as well as of the steering committees for CALCO and WADT conference series. In 2001-2004 he was a member of the steering committee for ETAPS, chairing ETAPS'03 in Warsaw.