Invited Speaker---Prof. Rohini Deshpande

Department of Mechatronics Engineering ,The Oxford College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Biography: Dr. RohiniDeshpande received her Ph. D degree in Electronics and Communication Engg., from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprasth University (GGSIPU) New Delhi, M. E degree in Electronics and Communication Engg., from the University of Delhi, with honors and Bacholers degree in Electronics and Communication Engg., from Gulbarga Univeristy. She is currently a professor and Head Mechatronic Engineering Dept., The Oxford College of Engineering Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. She is involved in research and teaching UG and PG students in the present institute. Her major areas of research are Signal Processing, Optical Networks, Mobile Computation etc. She has published more than 36 papers in international journals and conferences of repute. She has citation index of 36. She is listed in Marques WHO'S WHO of the world and her bio data is published in pearl edition of 2012. Foundation for Accelerated Community Empowerment (FACE), Delhi has conferred on her the award VIDYA VIBHUSHAN based on the self-profile on 19th April 2015. She has organized many workshops and conferences. She has chaired many sessions in conferences. She is the senior member of IEEE.

Speech Title: Design Techniques of Special FIR Notch filters

1. Maximally flat linear phase FIR notch filter with controlled null width:
Design of maximally flat linear phase FIR notch filter (NF) with controlled null width is an innovative approach for eliminating the interference frequency which varies within certain fixed known range. Proposed FIR notch filter can be an alternative to data dependent filter and finds applications in many communication systems where interference frequency is found to vary within certain specified range.
2. Special bi-notch filters:
In this case, a methodology for designing FIR bi notch filters derived from second order prototype IIR notch filters will be discussed. The suggested bi notch filter can also be adapted to eliminate second, third and fourth order harmonics of periodic noise besides the fundamental noise frequency component. A special case when two notch frequencies ω1and ω2 are such that (cosω1.cos ω2) = -1/2 will also be discussed.