Invited Speaker---Prof. Tetsuya Kawanishi

Faculty of Science and Technology, Waseda University, Japan

Biography:Tetsuya Kawanishi received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in electronics from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, in 1992, 1994, and 1997, respectively. From 1994 to 1995, he was with the Production Engineering Laboratory of Panasonic. During 1997, he was with the Venture Business Laboratory, Kyoto University, where he was engaged in research on electromagnetic scattering and on near-field optics. In 1998, he joined the Communications Research Laboratory, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (now the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, NICT), Tokyo, Japan, where he was the Director of Lightwave Devices Laboratory of NICT. During 2004, he was a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California at San Diego. From 2015, he is a professor of Faculty of Science and Technology, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. His current research interests include high-speed optical modulators and RF photonics.

Speech Title: Liner cell systems for airport and railway facilities

Abstract: High-performance radio technologies would play important roles in public transportation systems. For example, high resolution imaging would be required to detect foreign-object-debris (FOD) on airport runways by using millimetre-wave radars. Recently, a radar system consisting of many radar heads connected by an optical network has been developed to achieve a few centimetres range resolution in a liner shape area of a few kilometres length. Where the network would carry waveform generated at the radar heads to compile information from sensor heads coherently at central signal processing units. The optical network and radar heads form a high-performance sensor, so that we call such configuration sensor over fibre (SoF). In this presentation, we will review a high-resolution millimetre-wave radar for airport runway surveillance, as an example of SoF technology applications. Waveforms for radar operation would be transferred over fibres through radio-over-fiber (RoF) technologies. We will also focus on a millimetre-wave radar system which has a linear shape coverage with linearly located radar heads. This system, which is an example of SoF systems, is called “linear cell”. This presentation also covers issues on interference between radar heads in the liner cell system.High-speed wireless communication systems are also constructed by the liner cell configuration, where the network is controlled based on train location information. The research work reviewed in this presentation was partially supported by the Japanese Government funding for “R&D to Expand Radio Frequency Resources” from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. The authors would like to thank Mr. Nobuhiko Shibagaki, Mr. Kenichi Kashima, and Dr. Yosuke Sato of Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc., Japan.

Keywords: millimetre-wave, radio-over-fibre, radar