Invited Speaker---Prof. Tetsuya Shimamura

Graduate School of Science and Engineering, and Information Technology Center, Saitama University, Japan

Biography: Tetsuya Shimamura is a Professor of Graduate School of Science and Engineering, and Information Technology Center at Saitama University in Japan. He was Dean of Information Technology Center at Saitama University in 2014 and 2015. In 1995 and 1996, he joined Loughborough University, UK, and The Queen's University of Belfast, UK, respectively, as a visiting Professor. His research interests are in digital signal processing and its applications to speech, audio, image and communication systems. He has published over 90 refereed journal articles and 220 international conference proceedings papers. He is an author or co-author of eight books, and a member of the organizing committee of several international conferences. He has received IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, Gold Paper Award, in 2012, WSEAS International Conference on Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing, Best Paper Award, in 2013, and IEEE IFOST, Best Paper Award, in 2014. Also, he is a recipient of Journal of Signal Processing, Best Paper Award, in 2013, 2015, and 2016.

Speech Title: Spectrum Efficient Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction for OFDM Systems

Abstract: In this talk, we consider the bandwidth inefficiency issue of some peak-to-average power (PAPR) reduction techniques for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. These techniques are effectively combined with a concept of subcarrier group modulation (SGM) to be proposed, resulting in schemes which make their bandwidth efficient. The available subcarriers are divided into a number of groups and each group is modulated. Then at the receiver side, a maximum likelihood detector is used to catch up the modulation information. The resulting schemes attain low PAPR without compromising their throughput. Some simulations results are shown. Through this talk, it is unvailed that SGM is an interesting idea and plays an important role for OFDM systems.