Invited Speaker---Prof. Weihua TANG

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

Biography: Dr. Weihua TANG, Professor of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. His research field is optoelectronic materials and devices, has published 300 SCI papers with more than 6000 citations, his personal h-index is 38. He is possessing more than 20 invention patents, In recent years, he has focused on the growth, physical properties and device applications of ultrawide band gap semiconductor Ga2O3 thin films,and has published more than 60 SCI papers on gallium oxide thin films and detectors, ranking the first in the world, the highest citation is more than 200 times.

Speech Title: Epitaxial Growth of Gallium Oxides and Solar Blind Ultraviolet Photodetectors

Abstract: Gallium oxide, as a new type of wide bandgap semiconductor materials, with many excellent physical properties (such as: the wide bandgap, ~ 4.9 eV, the large breakdown electric field, ~ 8 MV/cm), exhibits the wide application prospect in devices. In recent years, especially since the high quality 2 inch of gallium oxide single crystals were obtained, gallium oxide materials have attracted intensive attentions by researchers from all over the world. In this talk, I will briefly review the progress in materials and devices of gallium oxide, and then focus the epitaxial growth of gallium oxides and solar blind ultraviolet photodetectors.