Author Guidelines

Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before, that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; and that its publication has been approved by all co-authors. An author should obtain permission from the holder of the copyright if he may quote from other published works including tables, plates or other figures.

The submission papers include but are not limited to these topics: Electronics Technology, Communication Engineering and Technology, Wireless Communications Engineering and Technology, and Computer Engineering and Technology.

Authors are invited to submit full papers in English, and non-English Words are prohibited in the papers. The organizing committee is not responsible for correcting errors in grammar or spelling.

Please submit your article online at
You will need to register if you have not submitted an article before.
Articles may be returned or rejected at the point of submission if the quality of presentation or the written quality of the English does not meet the required standard.

Publishing process:

1) Authors submit paper(s) via the online submission system.
2) Papers will be roughly reviewed by editors in 1-2 days. The first review includes the language and areas. Papers in poor expression and unrelated area will be rejected. Papers in well expression and related area will be submitted to Experts Team for reviewing.
3) Papers will be reviewed by Experts Team in 4-5 weeks.
4) We will announce the reviewing results in first time. Authors will be asked to revise their manuscripts and resubmit.
5) The authors whose papers accepted pay the registration fee, sign Copyright Transfer Agreement and submit the final papers.
6) The Organizing Committee submits papers to Publisher for typeset.
7) Authors check, revise and send back the proofs received from the Journal officially.
8) Papers published online.


Conditions of submission 
Submission of an article is on the basis that the work is original and has not been published previously in the same or a similar form and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. 

All authors must be aware of, and have consented to, the submission. Due regard must be paid to ethical considerations and the submission must conform to the journal's policy on plagiarism and publication ethics. 

Authors are required to warrant on submission that these requirements have been fulfilled and that the article contains no libelous or unlawful statements.

Publication ethics 
Plagiarism is the copying or use of other authors' work without proper acknowledgement or attribution. It is unethical and unacceptable in the context of scientific publication, infringes authors' moral rights and may also be illegal where copyright is infringed. 

Authors must ensure that all prior work on which they draw is explicitly acknowledged and that the sources are included in the list of references. This requirement relates to the methods, results and conclusions on which the present work is built, and to the text of the articles in which it has been presented. If passages of text are copied word for word, the source must be given and the text must be placed within quotation marks. If the original text is paraphrased or reproduced with minor alterations, this must be made clear and the source given. It is unacceptable to reproduce extensive passages of text without permission from the author(s) and the copyright holder

A related unacceptable practice is ‘redundant-publication’, the multiple publication or submission by an author of the same research or the reuse of substantial portions of articles without acknowledgement of prior publication. This includes publication of an article in different languages. 

Redundant publication of the same material and plagiarism of others’ work without acknowledgement are serious ethical offences that may leave the author open to sanction. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

It is the responsibility of senior authors and the institutions in which they work to ensure that articles appearing under their names conform to these guidelines. It is a condition of submission to the journal that all authors of any article found, following due process, to breach good practice accept responsibility for this breach, which will be subject to sanction at the Publisher's and Editors' absolute discretion. These sanctions may include, inter alia, the retraction of a published article; publication of a note of correction or apology; banning of future submissions by any author for a specified period; and/or notification of the Head of the authors' department or organization.

Changes to authorship 
This policy concerns the addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author names in the authorship of accepted articles: 

Before the article is accepted (still under reviewing): 
Requests to add or remove an author, to rearrange the list of authors, or change the corresponding author must be sent to CECNet Organizing Committee. The request must contain i) the reason why the author should be added or removed, the list of authors rearranged, or the corresponding author changed and ii) signed confirmation by e-mail from all authors, including the author being added or removed, confirming that they agree with the change. 

After the article is accepted: 
Changes to authorship after the accepted article is published in an issue will generally not be made.

We recommend that all non-native English-speaking authors ask a native English speaker or professional language-editing service to review their manuscript before submission. This is not mandatory but will help ensure that journal editors and reviewers fully understand the academic content of the article.

Authors from CECNet will receive a 5% discount on  Maple Trans .


File formats 
Prepare the manuscript (in single column format) in Times New Roman, 12 pt font size and standard fonts, with single spacing, and submit the text in full as a single Word file. Figures, whose acceptable formats are TIFF, JPEG and EPS, should be supplied with high resolution digital ones.

Article structure 
Follow this order when preparing research papers: title, authors, affiliations, corresponding author, abstract, keywords, (list of symbols), main text, acknowledgements, appendix, references, figure and table captions, figures, tables and supplementary data. 

Title: be concise, accurate and informative. Titles are often used by search engines and information retrieval systems. They should contain words that readers might be searching for. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.

Author names and affiliations: provide the full name, affiliations (where the actual work was done) and contact details for all authors. Highlight the family name and clarify where author names are ambiguous e.g. double names. Present the authors’ affiliations and contact details below the names. Indicate with a superscript numeral immediately after the author’s name and in front of the appropriate affiliation.

Corresponding author: indicate who will handle correspondence at all stages of the refereeing process and post-publication. Include an email address, postal address and phone number (with country and area code). The corresponding author is responsible for keeping this information up to date.

Abstract: a concise statement (maximum 150 words) of the aims of the research, the work carried out and the conclusions. The abstract must be self-contained. Do not include general or background information, which should appear in the introduction, abbreviations or references. Include keywords from the title and for the subject area to improve online searching.

Keywords: include up to eight keywords to be used for indexing and online searching. Keywords should describe the content of the article and include key phrases for the subject area. Avoid general terms.

List of symbols: a list of symbols should be provided if helpful to the reader.

Introduction: a summary of current knowledge including a literature survey of previous work in the field, together with a statement of the aims and motivation of the present work. Experimental methods: the methods employed must be described in sufficient detail to allow others to repeat the work. If a detailed description is given in a reference, readers must be able to grasp the principles of the method without referring elsewhere. Full details must be given of materials and equipment used.

Results and discussion: presented together or as separate sections. Papers must critically discuss and interpret the results, not merely describe the findings. Duplication of data in tables and figures is strongly discouraged, as is excessive use of figures: representative or significant results should be selected. Additional information may be provided as supplementary data. For simple datasets, tables provide a more effective and concise means of presentation than figures. Include standard errors or error bars whenever relevant, and report results to appropriate numbers of significant figures. 

Conclusions: give a concise summary of the important findings. The conclusions must not contain information that does not appear elsewhere in the paper.

Acknowledgements: provide details of individuals and institutions who have contributed to the work and information required by funding bodies etc. The acknowledgements may also include copyright information that is too extensive to include elsewhere, and other information (such as the fact that the paper is based on a lecture or conference presentation). 

Appendices: use to provide additional information, tables or mathematical derivations. References in appendices should be combined with those in the main text into a single list. Tables and figure are numbered A1, A2, A3,...

References: provide a complete list of the literature cited in the paper tailored to the journal’s readership. Format references according to the journal style.