General Information
For Participants

Paper submission

Click here to submit your paper

If you can not submit papers because of busy system, please send your papers to organizing committee’s email directly, and tell us your contact phone, email address and what field your paper is in. We’ll help submitting papers and reply you.

1. Prepare your paper:
Authors are invited to submit full papers, short papers in English. Any non-English Words are prohibited in the papers.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed based on originality, technical quality and presentation. Your submission must not have been and will not be published elsewhere or submitted to another conference before our review notification.

2. Format your papers:
Please prepare your manuscript according to the instructions Template for full .

3.Submit papers:
If you want to revise your paper, please do not resubmit it as a new paper. You can click the update button.
Click here to submit your paper

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